The Power In...
Bringing Lives Together
The Power In...
Bringing Lives Together
Each wedding has its own journey. A new beginning
A fresh start And the Power to... Be LUCKY in Love Make a connection not just a friendship into this new life together. A wedding with Kaz Lynch and Wedding Wellness brings happiness to your Magic-Day 0488 007 559 |
Let a long-time romance blossom
Continued Friendship Supported by deep friendships And the Power to... Romantically Fly Growing from a young relationship to a wedding day is a natural progression for this love to travel. Get on board this flight with Kaz Lynch to make your day one to remember. 0488 007 559 |
Your love is love and we celebrate it.
Your love cherished Hand in hand And the power to... Empower two hearts It was a long time coming but now love is celebrated and not by doctrine, but by individual choice. Let Kaz Lynch help you share your love on a day to be inspired. "Joined in Love" 0488 007 559 |
Share your vibration with another
Capture the moment Dance with love And the power to... Sing the same song for life. When your heart sings for another you are willing to give everything of yourself to be a better person. Sing the 'Perfect Duet' on your wedding day to live many sunrises and sunsets for freedom of love. 0488 007 559 |
The Wellness-CelebrantA bride and groom ALWAYS want to look their best on the BIG-Day. Wedding Wellness can help you look and feel your best. Lighter and habit-free to improve health - - better your financial position with more money to spend on the things that really matter... 'Your Love' and the love you will create together. Call me today for a Free Assessment 0488 007 559 |
Your Amazing Day is Almost HereFeeling stressed about the plans, anxious about what you have to do? Put your day into the hands of an experienced 'Wedding-Professional' who cares how you look and feel without blowing a big hole in your budget or leaving a massive credit card debt. Wedding-Wellness is a celebration of love, not regret. Take a leap of faith together and land safely with Kaz Lynch and Wedding Wellness 0488 007 559 |
Life CoachingYour habits can change so you are a better you for the one you want to share your life with. Look your best... Wedding Weight loss Save more and spend more after you Quit Smoking. Strengthen your confidence and self esteem, eliminate fears relax and clear anxiety's. Management of your stress makes you happier every way every day. Let Kaz Lynch help take you to your happy-place in life 0488 007 559 |
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: 0488 007 559 |